Your Power In These Chaotic Times
Using Your Power in These Chaotic Times
(Text version below audio player)
We had adapted to the old way, even though for many; things have felt disordered and quite wrong for some time now. World wide – social systems and eco systems are crumbling right before our eyes – on a daily basis.
From a bigger picture point of view – for the larger organism called Life on Earth – what seems like chaos and dis-order might actually be a natural, inevitable re-ordering – an evolution into a higher state of consciousness. Many are energizing this hope; that we humans continue wising-up and rising-up – in support of creating a more sustainable and equitable future for all, a future based on compassion and collaboration.
Trusting that we’re co-creators of a new paradigm coming in – as we let go of what’s no longer working in our own lives and psyches – and contributing (each in our own way) to shifting outer structures as well – then we enter into partnership with creativity, moving the collective energy toward a higher phase of evolution. We’re all co-creators of the emerging future. I invite you to trust your vision of how it could be. And if your inner nay-sayer chimes in, you might like reading or listening to my Inner Critic Series on the blog page.
When you catch yourself worrying or feeling frustrated or angry – I invite you to spend a little time connecting to what it is that you’re yearning for. Realizing what we don’t want is a stepping-stone to getting clear about what we do want.
Honor your feelings, there are good reasons to feel angry or scared, and to grieve and mourn what we’ve lost or never had. I’ve written and will continue writing about the importance of our feelings. Please do feel. What I’m bringing up here would ideally, come after connecting with your feelings. So first give yourself time and space to connect, if you can. A funny reversal of a common saying comes to mind: Don’t just do something – stand there!
But then we sometimes get immobilized; stuck, or caught going round and round, recycling unhelpful emotions and thoughts streams. So here, I’m talking about moving energy in a creative direction. Avoid energizing your fears. A fun reminder that helps me is: Don’t pet the sweaty stuff – and don’t sweat the petty stuff.
Energize your ideals – dream your most beautiful dreams. Dreams are powerful – each of us dreams for the benefit of all. And the world dreams and creates through us.
In the particular Cherokee tradition that I’ve been a student of for nearly years, children are taught to value their dreams and share them with their family each morning, because it’s believed that wise beings send us messages and advice through our dreams, and the information in our dreams is not only ours; it’s for everyone to contemplate, and benefit from.
In our modern scientific point of view, our dreams contain subconscious information that we don’t have access to otherwise, and these intuitive messages can help us better integrate our deepest selves with the outer world of our everyday lives. Both our night-time dreams and our daydreams come from an important place of intuitive, creative, insightful metaphor; this is subconscious information wanting to become conscious. In order to be our best, whole selves in the world, we need to honor and include all the parts of us, all the different and diverse wisdom that wants to come through, for our own benefit and for the benefit of the world.
So we have an obligation to take dreaming seriously and share our dreams with those we care about and with the world. Everything we’ve created – as individuals and communities and cultures – it all started with a dream of how it could be – or a nightmare that we energized instead.
This is our birthright, and our magical power – we are dreamers and co-creators. When you get sucked into energizing anger and fear – it’s time to call your dreaming power back! Use it for good. Don’t waste your power by misdirecting it and energizing what you do not want.
Use your creative powers for the benefit of all. Because we need you…you beautiful one-of-a-kind YOU! Dream big and energize your dreams; let them be road-maps guiding your thoughts and actions – offer them up; let them be food for our collective up-wising.
Please believe in your – and in our – creative potential; it’s a powerful antidote for dispelling the energy of hopelessness and overwhelm that’s so prevalent in these times.
I seem to be thinking of old sayings today and I’ll leave you with one that just came up for me:
Worrying is like praying for what you don’t want.
I’d love to know your thoughts after reading or listening to this blog post. Please consider emailing me with any feedback you have. And thanks so much for being here!